To translate an article for an Art Gallery
Dréimire– Language Services is often asked to translate articles for businesses active in the Arts. A well-known Art Gallery is one of our regular customers and our translations would normally be released on social media.
In my view, it is good practice to compile a style guide for clients like this. Details of what should be left in English could be noted in it, such as the names of sculptures and artworks. I would also recommend listing frequent expressions in the style guide, so that there are no variations of versions in different documents when a single version fits.
For example, a vocabulary of common terms such as ‘taispeántóir’ as a translation of ‘exhibitor’, or ‘Family Friendly Workshop’ for 'Ceardlann oiriúnach do theaghlaigh' should be maintained.
There are also English phrases and phrases that cannot be translated into verbatim Irish. Like ‘Boundaries of... have been pushed by’. This cannot be translated with the word ‘teorainn’ of course because it is likely that Irish speakers would not understand it in its context. I think focló is wonderful for finding native expressions.
Sometimes it is difficult to understand the meaning in the English version and in that case, I would recommend inserting the version on and converting it into an Irish version.
If you need a perfectly accurate, high-quality translation from English to Irish and the text needs to be revised by a skilled professional translation company don’t hesitate to contact Dréimire – Language Solutions